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Maryana Dvorska - Female Fitness Model Hot Body

Maryana Dvorska Female Fitness Model Hot Body

Maryana Dvorska - I am 20 years old and have recently moved from Chicago, IL to Los Angeles, CA.

In high school I never knew what I wanted to do with my life, never felt comfortable in my own body, and always turned to food to numb the feeling of being lost and not fitting in with my peers. One day, towards the end of my senior year I remember waking up and thinking I�m no longer going to feel sorry for myself, I am going to change, and today is the day I do it. Although at that time I knew nothing about proper nutrition or training so I did what most girls were taught to do, hop on a treadmill for an hour, and finish off with some abs at the end.

I began eating �clean� which added up to around 1,200 calories a day on top of  2+ hours of exercise . I went from being 150 lbs (at 5�5) to 119 lbs in a matter of month. At first, I felt good, so good that I never wanted the scale to stop going down, so good that I never wanted to eat another slice of pizza again, so good that I never missed a day at the gym (even if I was sick with a fever). I felt so good.. Until I didn�t. Until I became weaker, until I couldn�t enjoy dinner with my family, or celebrate Christmas.

Until I looked at the mirror and even at my lowest weight I didn�t like what I was seeing. So I began doing my research, I went on Instagram/ Youtube and found these strong, strong women who talked about lifting, and eating to GROW your body, not to shrink it, which was a weird concept for me to grasp. I went on sites like & and found even more women who talked about their specific training, their diet, and their approach to fitness.

I wanted to be strong, I wanted to feel good, I wanted to find balance. And so after days of research, help from my incredible boyfriend, and lots of self encouragement I finally stepped into the weights section of the gym, I lasted a whole 3 minutes before I broke down crying, turned around, and went right back to my stair master, that was my comfort zone. I remember some thoughts running through my head were � I don�t know what i�m doing, everyone will judge me, there�s like no girls in there�. But the stair master & the treadmill no longer held my interest.

I was itching to see what it feels like to be strong, to be confident, to truly find balance in my life. So a couple days after my breakdown, I went at it again.. I threw a hat on, I had head phones in my ear, I had my full workout written out on a sheet of paper, and I had tunnel vision. I didn�t focus on anyone else but myself, I didn�t care if people were starring at me (which by the way they weren�t), I didn�t care if I did some of the exercises in correctly (which of course I did), and I simply just got it done. Which brings me here,

3 years later, still in love with this lifestyle that no longer consumes my life but enhances it. There is so much information out there that encourages women to eat like a bird, to spend countless hours doing cardio, and to invest in diet pills and waist trainers.

The reason I am offering online coaching is because I don�t want others have to go through what I did.

Fitness is meant to make you better, to make you grow, to make you live longer, and enjoy your life with those around you. It is possible to reach your goals without having to sacrifice aspects of your life that make you happy and I want to help you get there.

Maryana Dvorska Female Fitness Model

Maryana Dvorska - Fitness Model

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Maryana Dvorska - Female Fitness Model Hot Body Maryana Dvorska - Female Fitness Model Hot Body Reviewed by Fitness Girls on 00:57 Rating: 5
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