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Weight loss and drying - what's the difference?

Before each beach season, hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions of people around the world remember that your body needs to be put in order. To lose weight, tighten muscles. For the ordinary citizen, this process is called weight loss and usually lasts 1-2 months. Around the same time in gyms bodybuilders begins "to dry". At first glance, the two processes are identical and aim to achieve the same results, in practice they have different objectives that are different timelines, different methods and techniques.

Weight loss and drying � what's the difference?

The goal of "drying" and weight loss

The purpose of weight loss is weight, primarily fat. Usually "losing weight" sits on some kind of diet and recorded to the nearest gym (sometimes prefers the great outdoors if the weather allows). In most cases, program weight loss is designed so to lose weight as quickly as possible (the aim is 10-15 kg per month, and it is quite "modest"). The special care of the preservation of muscles is not observed. Weight loss is mainly due to the decrease of water content, weight of muscles, and only then � the fat (our body very reluctantly and slowly consumes the fat, treating it as a kind of emergency reserve). Method of weight loss purely mechanical: by reducing caloric intake and increasing mobility.

The purpose of drying is not only to get rid of excess body fat, but to keep up muscle weight. A distinctive feature of the drying is that it follows a period of targeted mass (muscle growth only occurs under conditions of high caloric intake, when to avoid fat accumulation is simply impossible). The athlete, as opposed to simply "losing weight" is vitally interested in the only loss of subcutaneous fat, to improve the relief of muscle, and its little intrigues, vague phrase "total weight loss". Thus, the main difference of weight loss from drying is in order: in the first case talking about dropping body weight in General, the subcutaneous fat, and, necessarily, with preservation of the muscles.

The rigidity of the diet

Drying is different from another weight loss and rigidity of diet. Firstly, it takes 2-3 months, during which the athlete must strictly adhere to a balanced diet (with low calories that the heavy duty high intensity training is doubly problematic). While on easy weight loss have no more than 1-1,5 months. Second, by itself, the diet is more strict (although much depends on the preferences of slimming: mediety always in high demand, and to withstand them is much harder than even the scarce but diverse diet). All deviations from the designed power mode, which sometimes involves a meal in a strictly allotted time to 5-6 times a day.

As for rigidity diets for simple weight loss not simple, they range from very hard (1,5-2 weeks mono) to very soft (with the rejection of several snacks, including at night, and lower calorie content of one meal, usually Breakfast, although it would be better not to eat at night). Diets have in common the fact that their compliance is not allowed the use of a sweet and powdery. Athletes enrich their diet with elements of sports nutrition: a strong vitamin-mineral complexes (depending on the level of training, from Multitabs Intensive or the Alphabet Effect, to Animal Pak) and protein or amino acids (as protein source). Pharmacological support is needed to keep up muscle mass.

Using special pills to lose weight

If the goal is to reduce the overall weight, often using special tools. They can be natural or based on natural ingredients (e.g. grapefruit juice or mixture of lemon juice and grated garlic), or have a pharmacological origin (fat burners). In the latter case are used substances of different origins and directions of influence: thermogenics (caffeine) fat burners (L-carnitine), different accelerators of metabolic processes (green tea). Sometimes, drugs used in comprehensive impact. Their distinguishing feature is a weak effect (for example, green tea helps to lose up to 80 calories a day, which is equivalent to weight loss in a month by only 1-1. 2 kg).

Athletes when drying use a greater variety of pharmacological agents, each of which has a narrow focus of the action. There are substances of all spectrum of action: caffeine (in conjunction with ephedrine and aspirin), L-carnitine, guarana extract, appetite suppressant and caloric blocker, diuretics. Fat is a natural place for the accumulation of moisture, because diuretics help to get rid of it. It is necessary to give themselves report that such "chemical" stress affects the body pretty bad, both in terms of physiology and in terms of psychology, (bad mood, sleeping problems).

Weight loss and drying - what's the difference

The performance

What's better: fat burning or drying? The answer is not so obvious. If drying is carried out on the result, especially when the result is evaluated not only by the athlete but also his coach, the efficiency can be very high. When weight loss is the only form of control is self-tracking of results (usually by using scales). High risks of failure and rapid weight gain. Doctors recommended to lose not more than 1.5 kg weight, otherwise, weight loss is mainly due to dehydration and loss of muscle mass. In General, the effectiveness of these methods depends on the previously set goals, which you want to achieve and the ability to cope with diet and exercise.

As for saving results after the completion of the active phase of weight loss or drying, the specific differences here. Professional athletes in the offseason to gain 20-30 kg of fat mass. The hard phase of weight loss ends with a kind of denouement, when "thinner" starts hard to lean on food. The body is so constituted that to prepare for the possibility of a repetition of the hunger strike and go out with fat double. Of course, with the right approach to diet and weight loss not more than 1-1,5 kg a month (12-18 kg per year) of these problems can be avoided because the body manages to get used to the reduced weight and does not seek to return weight.

Much depends on the ability of the person to refuse in the future from the use of sweet, powdery, fatty. To preserve the achieved results. And it does not depend on whether the program is weight loss or drying.

Is it possible to dry everything?

Can an ordinary person, not the athlete, to abandon weight loss altogether and, like the bodybuilders to get rid of excess weight with the help of complex of measures on dry? No, and here's why:

  • drying � it is violence against the body, professional athletes for 3 months are in a state of perpetual stress, which is detrimental to the human psyche.
  • drying requires the use of a mass of pharmacological drugs, a poison to the body, moreover, goes in a decent amount.
  • the duration of the stage of drying up to 3 months, during which the body sheds off up to 30 kg (or 10 kg each month) that is extremely difficult for an untrained person.
  • drying is also maintaining the achieved level of muscle mass that requires a special sports nutrition and everyday heavy prolonged exercise.

The duration and severity of drying make it unsuitable for use by people who are forced to combine the process of weight loss with your daily obligations (work, school, family, and household chores).

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Weight loss and drying - what's the difference? Weight loss and drying - what's the difference? Reviewed by Fitness Girls on 02:09 Rating: 5
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